msbakthar on screen Aisyah Aziz off screen own ways with simplicity i'm a BIG fan of YUNA owns daddy's DL-150 i love to showcase what i've got Daily: Hi & Hugs
Flyin' Kiss
Layout: vehemency |
2010-01-31, 1:12 AM Labels: nice 1:02 AM
Labels: teeet 2010-01-30, 9:52 PM
Labels: weheartit 9:29 PM
Labels: she's leaving 2010-01-28, 1:18 PM
Labels: JB 2010-01-23, 8:35 AM
This is the first time that I am blogging this early. I was just too excited to write today. Maybe due to the typing movements which somehow make me look smart when I type. pfft. Alright as for today I would be doing a lot of stuff and its a Saturday. Hey wait. Did I just say Saturday? ZOMGosh. Saturdays are like my curfew days but here I am breaking them. I am doing it for some reasonable reasons okay. It is not like as if I am going clubbing and that sort of activity. I am making full use out of it. I'll make sure that by the end of the day when I reach home I will be the most happiest person on Earth whom had break her Saturday curfews! what to wear? xoxo, I'm out again! Labels: goodgirl 2010-01-22, 7:53 PM
![]() Just don't feel like being noticed. Maybe because I am just effing lazy to dress-up for school. I put on no make up, not even foundation. My hair was a total disaster. I didn't even bother to wear my pumps. Maybe its due to my mood swings and period. I felt totally shitty. I wore my nerd glasses so that I won't be noticed by others but I was wrong. Even more people around me thought that I was weird. Dank. Even my faci told me "You look silly girl, you know when a pretty girl makes herself to look ugly they will look uglier than ugly." Okay, let me put them in lay man's term. Uglier than ugly....hmmm. Ok I give up. Define that for me, can? That is just who I really am. Ugly? Tell me about it. Rarah was like "She's actually not pretty. Its her make up." That is so freaking true babe. Hey boys, you guys had just been blinded by the 2-way cake foundations, maskara, eyeliner & lip gloss. Boooyah. Just take one day out with her but ask her to put no makeup on. Its either she's :
Are you going for her heart or her looks? Will you leave her for showing you her true appearance? Good luck boys.xoxo, care-less. Labels: nerd days 2010-01-19, 11:51 AM
![]() Baju baru... Thank you so much for the bag and the shoes. Just don't feel like mentioning the smashed item. Its history and it hurts. I had been crying my eyes out too much and it hurts. I can't seem to control my emotions. One after another. I was having difficulties with the team that I had to submit really soon and now that. Great! Keep adding salt to the wound. And now that things had settled down, we have 5 now! Your presence doesn't really matter actually. We can live WITHOUT you babe. Chaos. p.s: I want that flipflop. xoxo, khumairah. Labels: disaster 2010-01-13, 8:10 PM
Labels: with extra love 2010-01-12, 9:45 AM
![]() The never ending race that had always been wanting the best out of the best. No easy task given and great responsibility is needed. Greater power comes with greater responsibility. Initiate some questions to the Ex-Welfare and I've learnt a lot I guess. The feeling is like having a new job. Excited all over. Hilarious isn't it? Others might think that I'm all crazy up there. Should I make a change to everything or to only some? How do I do it? Am I being over the top here? Okay, maybe I was just thinking too much. xoxo, ms welfare. Labels: baton passed 2010-01-11, 1:37 PM
If women share their problems to you, you LISTEN. Do not give any advice when they did not ask for any or else you'll be their next problem. teacher. Labels: shut up listen 11:40 AM
![]() The little piano starts to fill up the atmosphere and I had goosebumps attack. It was cool I must say. She had her name all over her creative performance. Nicely delivered and was soothing enough to make me cry. I was like a proud mother watching her from far and singing along softly hoping that she will not miss a tune. If you follow her up through her blogs, twitter and facebook you will understand what kind of person she is. Upon hearing the result I burst into tears of joy to her success. Had no regrets loving and appreciating her music. She never let us down and always with surprises in her own way. If I could meet her backstage that night I would like to say, "Loving you and your music was the right choice that I make." tearing while hugging you. xoxo, fan of yours. Labels: ajl 2010-01-09, 10:32 PM
![]() caption : credits to Farahehh (By DL-150) Labels: colourless 2010-01-06, 11:25 AM
![]() She sad I look like a mad scientist when counting the number of ridges I have on my fingerprints. It's fun, really. I've learnt another new amazing thing that God has created. Cool shit I tell you. Shurti calls me a Mad Scientist. Naik KERO mata ku. I didn't know we were created this interesting. Thanks to you God. xoxo, hambamu. Labels: thumbprints 2010-01-05, 9:51 AM
![]() At times I was mad but most of the time I am glad. It is just how we lift up each other's lives and add on colors to our parents' heart. I wouldn't ask for more than a great brother like you. Now that you are old enough to think what's right and what's not I have no problem being Kamcheng with you. You understand my terms now. Unlike when you were young you still need to be guided with some things that I do and say. If you need a strong heart, I am willing to give you mine. Without you and your lil suport I won't be for who I am right now. The medals that had been lining up on my room walls are not for me, I do it for you. For you too look up to me and be someone that is better than me. Maybe you don't see it but do open up your mind and heart as I have a great responsibility on you set by father. If I ever hurt you in anyway I would like to deeply and sincerely apologies for my actions as it maybe an unintentional act. Happt 16th Baby Bro. You are my #1 brother on Earth. xoxo, your fat sister. Labels: akmalaziz 2010-01-04, 12:50 AM
![]() It was a true gettaway for me when dad finally gave us green light to have a week to Melaka to our usual second home. It was peaceful and relax there and I actually felt like a whole new different person. Wish I could just stay there and live there together with granny and grandad. But reality is different for me. I had tonnes of fun and daddy wasn't mad at anything that me and brother do cause he knows that we know what we are doing. Hey come on, its 2010 already. We are your babies dad but we have grown. I am gonna have school in a few hours time and I am still in front of my lappy typing what my heart asked me to. Shit! As for new year I have made some improvements and adjustments to how I lead my life. Am gonna turn 21 soon and so as my attitude. I am now thinking to have a better kind of stand in life so as not to go out of line. Easy said than done baby. As for now I have to focus on certain things that I think need to be prioritized on. For what I had been experiencing all this while was shit-ty as I personally thinks that it is super hard being me and how I wish things does not happened to me. Its been awhile since I felt happy. I just wanna be like in some love stories in the movies. With a happy ending of course. xoxo, heart content overload. Labels: long one |