msbakthar on screen Aisyah Aziz off screen own ways with simplicity i'm a BIG fan of YUNA owns daddy's DL-150 i love to showcase what i've got Daily: Hi & Hugs
Flyin' Kiss
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2009-11-30, 6:11 PM
Time to save some people.Just pretend that I don't have the money to even spend for food. Just like the old times. I would appreciate things even more. I want to buy mum something sweet but there's a possibility that she might not like it. As for now let me spoil myself first. What mum wants is between dad and her. p.s : mum is a tricky person. xoxo, what she say is not what she really meant. Labels: mama 12:00 AM
![]() Thank you and I hope my presence inspire you in someways. Whereas for me I look up to others. I take inspirations from others. I look up to others that has better personality then myself. Maybe it is just according to different person's preference. I look up to people because of respected values and positive attitude in them. These people may come in many different kinds of backgrounds. They can be people from the passion world that I have always been in. They can be people from my contacts and friends. They can be random people whom I think has a very interesting twist in them. I think everyone has their own twist somewhere deep down in there. They just have to be themselves and let it shine naturally. Don't force it out because it doesn't work that way. Find your own identity and don't copy others. Be humble at all times. Don't be too satisfied with what you have achieved. You be shy to show case what you think is right. You have all the rights to show all most anything in the world. Your thoughts. Your say. xoxo, get inspired, be inspired. Labels: inspirations 2009-11-29, 11:45 AM
Alhamdulillah All when well but certainly I don't like the comments. But to have bad comments are actually good. I shall take it as a constructive one. I think I was freaking nervous and I my gagap-ness came to invade. Whatever it is I felt relief that my hard work have paid off. There are still room for improvements. There will soon be holidays and I should make full use of it. Some things on the list have not been strike off yet. Car practicals Yuna show More heels & palms Hand bag (go vintage) 2 more weeks to go xoxo, don't be too satisfied. Labels: long way 2009-11-27, 12:54 PM
![]() Today is all about sacrifices. In fact we have to apply this quality in our daily life. Sacrificing for someone, for God or for a situation. We don't have to let anyone know about what sacrifice we make for another party. As for today I have to sacrifice my fun time to work on my project. Sacrifices happens anytime at any day for any situation. We have to put on a clean heart to feel the satisfaction. Do some sacrifices, you'll know what I mean. p.s : Happy Adha Labels: thoughts 2009-11-25, 9:16 AM
![]() Print and prepare what to say. All the best to me as this Saturday will be the day. Kinda nervous but very excited. Been practicing in front of the mirror to face the Big people later. Mum and Dad can't nag anymore because they have seen what I have been done. Baby bro had been away for almost a week now and I felt like the only child now. Just like the old times. Spoil brat! But this spoil brat is a very hard working one you know. p.s: adek, you don't come home also can. I'm fine here. Labels: work 2009-11-24, 12:36 AM
![]() I teared too when I saw his tears rolling down his bun like cheeks. I am sure he misses his mummy a lot and so his one and only Ayah. "Ayah bird Ayah bird...." pointing to the cages of bird hanging to the ceiling. "Nanak...nanak...." don't want us to get near him. How I wish I know what you are saying Adek. I can really see sadness in his eyes. Oh Dear God please help my baby. At such a young age he when through a lot. Poor thing. I want to meet you soon. p.s: Adek, come follow kakak home. Labels: baby cry 2009-11-21, 6:05 PM
![]() The theory part was seriously pressurizing me. Practicals are fun and I will always be looking forward for it especially when K K Tan is my instructor for the session. S-course and Crank-course was peanuts. Brag! Brag! Brag! I am pretty much excited to book for TP now. Got a Giant PASSED for FTT on the freaking screen. xoxo, I'll be your driver. Labels: engines 2009-11-16, 1:51 PM
![]() caption : previously was on the handbook, now on the wall Mama, Abah....this is for you. I didn't get on the wall for nothing. I would not be able to be on the wall without the both of you. Abah always say, there will always be a better one for you in the future. True enough. I believe you. I teared immediately when I saw it early in the morning. Called baby bro before he move of for Malacca. This meant a lot to me. I don't want to brag as I know it is unnecessary but I just want to pour out what I felt. For all the dreams that had gone down into the dirty drain, I am now able to stand up strong back on my stable feet to face more challenges in the future that has been waiting for me all this while. This is a form of motivation and reminder. p.s: Complacent is not my style and will never be.
xoxo, proud deep inside. Labels: wall 2009-11-15, 2:08 PM
I am going to meet you later baby boy.You wait till I come aight. I love you a lot alright. Its ok if you loose one, you got a lot more standing right behind yah. She is important to you and at a young age you sure need her more. Do forgive her when you grow up. Don't ever keep anything bad deep inside you ok sweet thing? After all she's someone who has put her life for you to be welcome to Earth. If it wasn't her you would not be my favourite sweet thang dude. One favour, can you just please keep it this way? I don't want you to grow up. Please Baby Boy.... (ILYVM) Labels: MAS 2009-11-12, 12:39 PM
![]() caption : An Exclusive Evening with YUNA CONFIRMED! Like finally I got it this time! Thanks to you. Do not disturb my 12 Dec. Mum agree with it and was totally ok with it! That's cool of you mum. xoxo, 1 month time. Labels: my evening with 2009-11-11, 10:39 AM
![]() Still waiting for reply. THANK YOU!! *don't be too excited about it. xoxo, see you. Labels: 12dec 2009-11-10, 10:20 AM
![]() I think it is a cool thing because it is something that is not been planned or what so ever. It sometimes can be weird as you are not expecting it to happen. But I think it would leave a certain memory to some as may something that you would not think of. I sometimes blog about random things as it might not link to whatever I am saying earlier. Well that's the whole purpose isn't it? Some random things are for those who has faces as thick as the Great Wall of China. What I am going to type down here might not be a Big deal for some but I am just giving some example... You know that I ain't the type of girl who wears ladies sandals, palms or even heels most of the time. You will always see me in my favourite Blue Adidas or the seasoned Jack Purcell. Be it me in dress, skirts or jeans. But I finally break the norm that one fine day by wearing a different foot wear. She asked me, "What's with the heel babe?" I answer, "Well, I'm just being random" Some say, "Heels are so not you." Precisely, that's the whole point of being random to me. Breaking the norm is random. xoxo, plainly random Labels: R 2009-11-09, 10:53 AM
She's not arrogant.Please say yes that she's not. Gossips are as equal as Fitnah. Am I right to say that? Maybe she was just not being talkative like any other celebrities. Or maybe she is super tired or having her periods. Don't the reporters have anything positive to say? They are like brain-washing people who read their article. Corruption. A picture tells 101 different story. Just like the above photo. An impressions leaves 1001 different thoughts. From my personal point of view I think that she's new and need time to live a life full of popularity. She can't be smiling 24/7 to all those who she come across with. Not many know her. I think she's trying to be humble but I guess people took it differently. What dad always tell me, xoxo, paparazzi SUCKs. Labels: paparazzi 2009-11-07, 9:57 AM
![]() caption : Nokia N97 Mini Trying hard to persuade parents to get them for me. I am actually using phone that are half functioning. Even if they are in good condition but somehow or rather there are some faulty somewhere. Doing my best to show some prove of research to how much is it and how to get them. Having to change to a better phone after 4 years of being loyal to one makes no harm right? ![]() caption : Sony Ericsson W960i I'm a careful user so whatever model thats given Insyaallah it will be taken care off well. This time probably with a contract number. Mum and Dad will sure save a lot. Seriously. Oh pretty please.... xoxo. Labels: phone 2009-11-05, 8:50 AM
![]() caption : Holga 120 TGLR Holga is love as for now. owner to be, xoxo. Labels: 2009-11-03, 12:15 PM
![]() The journey was the ultimate thing that makes up the ending. Don't cry because it ended, smile because it happen. I am glad that it was being revealed and I am very clam about it. I don't know where it came from but it just happen nicely. I know it was a tough decision to make but it is sure a respectful one. It was painful to take it in. You toss the card on the desk there it was. You made it. In which ever way you want to put it. Like I said I hate things to end, even for the mini trail. Happy moments ends fast. So, enjoy every bit. Might not know when it gonna happen again. Or it might just never. p.s: it was wonderful xoxo. Labels: disney dream 2009-11-02, 10:20 AM
It was a success I must say. Everything when freaking hilarious from what we've practiced. Aku amat bangga dengan semua. It was like magic. FULL HOUSE! Awesome crowd for an awesome show. Most importantly we deliver with our heart and soul. It feels like I'm the most satisfied person on Earth. The feeling was indescribable. Be the mum on stage and you'll understand what I feel. I'm so gonna miss trainings, the fun, inside jokes, the nonsense. Oh gosh, I'm holding back my tears people. Kita semua dah macam adik-beradik. The bonding was sure pure love to me. This post is dedicated to all cast who have put tremendous effort in the production. For those those who turn up especially the unexpected ones, Millions bunch of thank you-s for all. Super touched. Close friends. Long known friends. New friends. Coaches & Teachers. Family. CONVO With XOXO, Your loving Mak Bedah. Labels: Kental Ah Lu Mat |